May 25, 2009

Monday, May 25, 2009

An Expression Of Love…!
(Part 2)

When in the dark that pain so stark
Made life hard to live,
Then your love be the only hope
The one reason you give.

You looked into my weary eyes
And stuffed in them some dreams,
As parting thicker darker clouds
At once the moon gleams.

Your glimmering, shimmering eyes to give
A break from pain and sorrows,
This ray of hope thus make me live
This day & look for morrow.

With all the love that I’ve got
Soon this night will perish,
We’ll see the dawn, worry not
A thing we love to cherish.

Your lovely thoughts, may never rot
Planted in my heart, deep
With all the pains that life has brought
It’s one pleasure I reap.


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